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  1. Wilson, S., Vasilakos, K., & Sevilgen, S. (2022). Live Coding in the Time of COVID. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.5885652
  2. Vasilakos, K. (2022). A Networked Hybrid Interface for Audience Sonification and Machine Learning. Revista Vórtex, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.33871/23179937.2022.10.1.4695
  3. Vasilakos, K. (2021). Exploring Live Coding as Performance Practice. 2021, 21(Guz 2021), 21–38. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/porteakademik/issue/66105/1033868
  4. Vasilakos, K. (2021). Lick the Toad: a web-based interface for collective sonification. Anais Do XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro De Computação Musical (SBCM 2021), 178–188. https://doi.org/10.5753/sbcm.2021.19444
  5. Vasilakos, K. (2021). Konstantinos Vasilakos Showcase Lick The Toad NIME 2021. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. https://nime.pubpub.org/pub/lick-the-toad-konvas-nime2021
  6. Vasilakos, K. n/a, Wilson, S., McCauley, T., Yeung, T. W., Margetson, E., & Khosravi Mardakheh, M. (2020). Sonification of High Energy Physics Data Using Live Coding and Web Based Interfaces. In R. Michon & F. Schroeder (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (pp. 464–470). Birmingham City University. pdfs/nime2020_paper76.pdf
  7. Vasilakos, K. (2019). Emerging Dark Matter Through Diverse Sonification Practices. Proceedings of the International Music and Sciences Symposium. http://www.tmdk.itu.edu.tr/docs/librariesprovider5/kitap-i-çerik/muzikvebilimler2019.pdf
  8. Vasilakos, K. (2018). GREAP: An Interactive System for Gestural Manipulation of Sonic Material Using a Leap Motion Device. Porte Akademik: Journal of Music and Dance Studies, 17(Spring 2018), 15. https://porteakademik.itu.edu.tr/docs/librariesprovider181/Yay%C4%B1n-Ar%C5%9Fivi/17.say%C4%B1/porte-akademik-17-4.pdf
  9. Vasilakos, K. (2016). An evaluation of digital interfaces for music composition and improvisation. [PhD, Keele University]. http://eprints.keele.ac.uk/1606/1/Vasilakos%20PhD%202016.pdf
  10. Wilson, S., Lorway, N., Coull, R., Vasilakos, K., & Moyers, T. (2014). Free as in BEER: Some Explorations into Structured Improvisation Using Networked Live-Coding Systems. Computer Music Journal, 38(1), 54–64. https://doi.org/10.1162/COMJ_a_00229
  11. Vasilakos, K., Wilson, S., McCauley, T., Yeung, T. W., Margetson, E., & Khosravi Mardakheh, M. (2020). Sonification of High Energy Physics Data Using Live Coding and Web Based Interfaces. In R. Michon & F. Schroeder (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (pp. 388–393). Birmingham City University. https://www.nime.org/proceedings/2020/nime2020_paper76.pdf
  12. Vasilakos, K. (2019). Emerging Dark Matter Through Diverse Sonification Practices. Proceedings of the International Music and Sciences Symposium. http://www.tmdk.itu.edu.tr/docs/librariesprovider5/kitap-i-çerik/muzikvebilimler2019.pdf
  13. Vasilakos, K. (2018). GREAP: an Interactive System for Gestural Manipulation of Sonic Material Using a Leap Motion Device. 17, 61–75.
  14. Vasilakos, K. (2016). An evaluation of digital interfaces for music composition and improvisation. [PhD, Keele University]. http://eprints.keele.ac.uk/1606/1/Vasilakos%20PhD%202016.pdf
  15. Wilson, S., Lorway, N., Coull, R., Vasilakos, K., & Moyers, T. (2014). Free as in BEER: Some Explorations into Structured Improvisation Using Networked Live-Coding Systems. Computer Music Journal, 38(1), 54–64. https://doi.org/10.1162/COMJ_a_00229
  16. Vasilakos, K. (2013, November). Live Coding Chunks Into Gestural Improvisation. Paper presented to a conference: Embracing rhythm … welcoming abstraction, Salford University, UK.
  17. Vasilakos, K. (2013). From Code to Tape. Paper presented to a conference: SoundThought, Glasgow University. https://issuu.com/calumscott/docs/2013-12-19_st_booklet_booklet_compl
  18. Wilson, S., Lorway, N., Coull, R., Vasilakos, K., & Moyers, T. (2013). Free as in BEER: Some Explorations into Structured Improvisation Using Networked Live-Coding Systems. Paper presented to a conference: Live Code Symposium, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany. http://imwi.hfm.eu/livecode/2013/2013/symposium/index.html
  19. Vasilakos, K. (2012). Humanising Technology: interacting with sonic material using haptic controllers at Live Interfaces. Paper presented to a conference: Live Interfaces, Leeds University. https://konstantinosvasilakos.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/poster.pdf